Great Backyard Bird Count

A worthwhile event that happens nationally every February, is the Great Backyard Bird Count. I know it’s a bit early, but mark your calendars. This year, from February 16-19, we are asked once again to count the birds we see for just 15 minutes each of the four days. This is a FUN and worthwhile event for ALL ages! Researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society use the information we give to assist them in their regional data. The easy part in all this is that you don’t have to go anywhere to participate with this national event.


An exciting way to engage/introduce youngsters into the world of bird watching, is to set up a few chairs at an inside window near one of your outdoor bird feeders. Have a list of the types of birds you usually see in your yard, even color them if that would help the child identify them more easily. Set the timer, and for the next few minutes assist the child count the number of a specific type of bird. Change the type of bird you are counting every few minutes within the 15 minutes timeframe. Adapt as age permits—older children can of course handle counting several types of birds at once.


If you don’t have feeders in your backyard, that’s okay. I’m certain that if you sit outside for just 15 minutes, you’ll see dozens of various birds flying by or landing in nearby trees.


If part of your daily routine is walking your neighborhood or a nearby park, count the birds there instead, if you wish.  The whole purpose of the Great Backyard Bird Count is to provide a realistic overview of the birds and their numbers in each of our regions.


After you gather your bird-count numbers, submit your data online to the link I have provided above. This may become a February tradition in your household, too!!


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